Friday, May 28, 2021

Le nucléaire et l’art subtil de la diplomatie chinoise.

En mars dernier, l’Etat pakistanais offrait au monde entier la preuve de sa puissance nucléaire avec l’inauguration de la plus importante centrale du pays issu en totalité de la technologie chinoise.

C’est également en mars dernier qu’a été officiellement présenté le 14ème Plan Quinquennal chinois, feuille de route de l’Empire du Milieu pour les 5 prochaines années. Et de toute évidence, le nucléaire y tient une place de choix. Ainsi, 4 centrales en moyenne devraient voir le jour tous les ans durant toute la durée de ce Plan.

N’oublions pas que les centrales nucléaires en Chine sont aujourd’hui dix fois plus nombreuses qu’elles ne l’étaient en l’an 2000, soit lors de deux décennies au cours desquelles de nombreux Etats ont clairement exprimé leur volonté de se désengager du nucléaire. La tragédie de Fukushima (2011) a fortement contribué à cela.

Pour autant, la Chine n’a jamais caché ses ambitions dont celle de devenir d’ici une dizaine d’années, le tout premier producteur d’électricité nucléaire.

Confrontée à des besoins absolument colossaux et croissants en termes énergétiques, la Chine a su adopter des approches tactiques. Consciente de l’importance de maîtriser ses propres sources d’énergies, mais également de limiter drastiquement sa dépendance au charbon, la Chine a misé sur une progression accélérée de la production d'électricité nucléaire.

Réduire sa dépendance à la technologie occidentale a été une priorité affirmée et assumée de la part des autorités chinoises qui ont d’ailleurs octroyé des aides tout à fait exceptionnelles (plusieurs milliards de dollars) aux entreprises locales pour atteindre cet objectif.

Depuis un peu plus de deux ans, la Chine bénéficie de près d’une quarantaine de réacteurs nucléaires, tous actifs, positionnés au sud–est du pays dans la région la plus développée du point de vue économique.

Le savoir-faire qui est désormais le sien dans ce domaine permet à la Chine de se positionner comme un acteur clé dans le domaine de l’exportation de la technologie nucléaire et des partenariats, avec la Turquie, l’Argentine, l’Egypte, ou l’Afrique du Sud notamment, sont en cours de finalisation.

De toute évidence, la Chine fait désormais partie des interlocuteurs avec lesquels il est indispensable de négocier, plus particulièrement dans le domaine des centrales nucléaires de dernière génération. Le programme chinois appelé « Dragon Rising » est un complexe particulièrement innovant qui fédère l’apport d’un vingtaine d’instituts de recherche en technologie nucléaire, autour de projets d’innovation et d’amélioration technologiques dans le domaine du nucléaire.

Pour développer sa stratégie diplomatique, la Chine a pris soin de proposer des centrales ou des réacteurs à des coûts relativement abordables, dont l’acquisition est parfois facilitée par l’octroi de prêts avantageux auxquels certains Etats sont nécessairement sensibles.

Désormais, la Chine, à l’instar de la Russie, propose à ses interlocuteurs étrangers plusieurs formats de réacteurs nucléaires dont les plus petits, destinés à des centrales nucléaires flottantes et d’une durée de fonctionnement réduite à une cinquantaine d’années, ont pour objectif la production de la chaleur urbaine.

Tel est ainsi l’un de objectifs avoués de la Chine : mettre le nucléaire au service de bien autre chose que la seule production d’électricité.


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Saturday, May 22, 2021

Riadh Ben Aissa – Effective Team Management And Leading The Company

For quite a long time, Teams have been set up and rushed to permit aggregate duty. To exploit the unmistakable advantages of teamwork, it is critical to managing the team appropriately. This includes comprehension of how to develop a team and how it is probably going to act.

Individuals and leaders like Riadh Ben Aissa in each working environment talk about building the team and functioning collectively, however, a couple see how to make the experience of teamwork or how to build up a viable team. In a team-situated environment, one adds to the general achievement of the association.

Understanding the three components

The three components that are required for the development of the team are participation, trust, and cohesiveness. Every one of these three components makes a critical commitment towards powerful teamwork.

Participation is a significant component of teamwork. The people in a team are supposed to coordinate when their way to deal with work is incorporated to accomplish a shared objective together. On the off chance that the individuals from the team are not coordinated with one another, collaboration is less, and accomplishing an aggregate goal is extremely troublesome.

Managing the team with leadership

One significant explanation of trouble inside a team is rivalry among the individuals from the team. In the event that an unfortunate rivalry between the individuals from the team is supported, it prompts less collaboration leading to less profitability and accomplishment.

Trust is the second component of teamwork. It is a key component associated with the advancement of the team. It is common confidence and confidence in aim and conduct among every one of the individuals from the team.


Riadh Ben Aissa Montreal, a management leader in the construction industry, offers six rules for building and looking after trust. These are correspondence, support, regard, reasonableness, consistency, and capability.

Read more:

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Suez Canal: the fragility of the giant.

 The Gulf of Suez and the Nile Delta were united by the genius of men long before the official inauguration of the present Suez Canal. The Egypt of the Pharaohs had perfectly understood the need to control the river and sea routes, both for the survival of its population and for its economic development.

When the French diplomat Ferdinand de Lesseps founded the Suez Company in the 19th century and signed a 99-year concession with the Viceroy of Egypt, the aim was to link the Mediterranean to the Red Sea in an exceptional project that would last more than ten years. Egypt's desire to modernize and the context of strong development of international trade was the framework for this large-scale project with an obvious geopolitical dimension.

The management of this mythical canal will nevertheless often be challenged by international political crises and the regional conflicts of the second half of the 20th century.

In 2014, the new Suez Canal was launched by Marshal AL-Sissi, anxious to revitalize the Egyptian economy but also reinforce the legitimacy of the military regime at the time.

Except for very rare exceptions during times of conflict, the flow of ships has always been permanent and dense, with about fifty very large ships per day.

The heart of the international markets beats to the rhythm of these flows, as the Suez Canal remains a major and unavoidable route for international trade, with nearly 10% of the world's maritime trade being conducted through it.

More than 19 000 merchant ships passed through this waterway in one year, bringing, according to experts, the equivalent of more than 4 billion euros to Egypt for the year 2020 alone. The Egyptian government is not hiding its desire to double the Canal's revenues by 2023 and to create more than a million jobs in this high growth projection. 

It is therefore understandable that the international markets froze in their tracks at the end of March when the ship "Ever Given", a very large carrier of more than 200,000 tons, caused the world economy to lose nearly 400 million dollars per hour by accidentally running aground in the middle of the Suez Canal.

Behind this giant of the seas, nearly 100 billion dollars worth of goods and hundreds of large merchant ships remained blocked for several days, to the great dismay of economists and certain governments, including that of Egypt, which immediately realized the highly sensitive nature of the situation.

In a few hours, the oil supply became a major international concern and the New York and London stock exchanges panicked.

Japan, the country of origin of Ever Given's owner, expressed its deepest apologies and distress at this economic disaster with worldwide repercussions, while the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, the Middle East and Turkey mobilized to try to unblock the situation.

Fully aware of what was at stake, Russia immediately offered its help and at the same time recalled the importance of diversifying maritime access routes, stressing that the route from the Arctic, which is much more accessible and practicable since the ice melted, is a commercial route of the future...

The message Russia is sending to the world is impressively accurate and there are lessons to be learned...

 The reason why a stopped ship can impact the world economy in a few hours is that the Suez Canal is a highly strategic maritime route, not only because of its geographical (and therefore political) location, but also because it is a unique route in many respects.

Without it, traffic would have to bypass the African continent or use much more complex and lengthy routes, an inconceivable solution in terms of cost and profitability.

Yet Egypt has implemented a policy of doubling the Canal's shipping lanes to make maritime traffic more profitable and competitive, and to optimize the fluidity and frequency of the passage of large carriers. It is nevertheless true that betting everything on a single passage at the crossroads of the Gulf, Europe, Africa, and Asia is, despite everything, a highly risky bet.

Moreover, the rail and land routes, although allowing the transport of smaller volumes of goods, deserve to be developed, in a more pragmatic, perhaps a more reasonable approach to globalization.

Finally, it is important to stress that the particularly optimistic forecasts of growth in Suez Canal activity, formulated by Egypt, remain totally conditional on the maintenance of a stable world situation from a political and economic point of view.

                                                                                                                                Riadh BENAÏSSA.

Sunday, April 18, 2021

The outlook for the African economy in the coming months: between growth and debt.

 Interview by Mr. Riadh BENAISSA

After a phase of strong recession, largely due to the global health crisis, the African continent is preparing, according to the African Development Bank and the French Development Agency, to experience an economic upturn. Despite the unusual context, there are clear signs of a growing recovery.

As Mr. Riadh BENAISSA points out, "with the arrival of Covid-19, Africa has experienced an unprecedented cataclysm. The health impact was violent but not as violent as the one that hit its economy hard, with a recession of almost 3% throughout Africa. Nearly 40 African countries have been hit by this phenomenon, which is exceptional. "

African economists are predicting growth of 3.4%, while the International Monetary Fund is a little more cautious about the level that could be reached (3.1%).

As a connoisseur of this territory and its potential, Mr. Riadh BENAISSA specifies that not all African states have experienced the same type of ordeal, even though he recognizes that all have a certain capacity for growth and resilience.

South Africa, for example," says Mr. BENAISSA, "has been weakened by its high dependence on external demand, particularly in the field of metals. It is a country that was therefore highly exposed to the global economic risks of the health crisis period.

Conversely, for Nigeria, whose GDP is the highest on the African continent, growth declined during the crisis by -4.3%, which is significantly lower than the African average.

But Africa is a continent of great contrasts.

Egypt, for example, with a more diversified economy and a relatively stable domestic the market will have seen little impact from the collapse of tourism over the past year.

However, as Mr. Riadh Benaissa rightly points out, "the economic and health crisis has caused an exceptional increase in African debt, with immediate and direct impacts on budget balances. It is highly likely that fifteen or so African states will increase their indebtedness in the coming months until they are probably over-indebted, which is already affecting six of the 54 African countries. International support and the contribution of private funds could usefully consolidate the beginning of growth in the African economy".

“We must not forget, that international financial aid has become scarcer in recent months, which was to be expected given the context. However, this reduction should not be allowed to last, otherwise, the African economy will be permanently weakened, while real signs of positive progress are appearing. "

This point was noted very early on by the rating agencies and international financial organizations, which pointed out that some states had simply sacrificed certain key areas of their government action, such as education and health.

"Furthermore, Africa has high financing needs with almost $1.2 trillion between 2020 and 2023. Where it is imperative to be vigilant, according to Mr. BENAISSA, is on maintaining the exceptional dynamism of West Africa whose countries have a growth model mainly based on public investment. Therefore, it will be imperative for these countries to give a more important place to the private sector. Oil exporting countries should be able to re-emerge economically fairly quickly. This is particularly true of Algeria and Angola. Economies that are essentially centered on tourism (Morocco or Mauritius, for example) should, according to the most accurate estimates, achieve growth of almost 6% in 2021.

More generally, for the continent as a whole, prioritization of spending will have to remain a strong objective for the months to come. However, Mr. Riadh BENAISSA indicates that "despite the announced and very probable growth, the African debt will undeniably increase and poverty is likely to be more and more widespread.

The relevance of the governance of African states will have to take on a new dimension in the coming months, so that the continent can fully mobilize its potential and not sink in certain aspects of its organization.

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Riadh Ben Aissa – Successful Leading A Company To New Heights Over The Years

Plan and execute as these two go connected at the hip, especially so for complex issues. Taking care of issues requires great control combined with the great procedure.

Understanding how the team works

Albeit not advanced science, taking care of complex issues requires a specific measure of management science, which is essentially the sending of a sound judgment critical thinking grouping - for example 1-characterize the issue, 2-investigate the issue, 3-create choices, 4-select and plan an answer, 5-carry out the arrangement, 6-evaluate and change.

Obviously, there are times when critical thinking requires settling on a choice dependent on your gut impulses. Also, when that is the situation by everything implies do as such. Be that as it may, don't trick yourself either - whenever the situation allows, utilize a target critical thinking measure. This is really important according to successful business leader Riadh Ben Aissa Construction.

Focus on the results and work together as a team

Successful issue solvers rapidly recognize indications from issues and don't hear hung up on thoughts versus realities or style versus substance. They look for main drivers to issues and drive for far-reaching results that will take care of issues both short and long haul.

Successful business leaders comprehend that to tackle most issues, somebody, someplace, by one way or another - needs to change - perhaps a little, perhaps a great deal - yet change. The ramifications of this straightforward reality are huge since you realize that change, for a great many people, is troublesome. In this manner executing an answer will require assisting individuals with getting the change - and you should be set up to give that help.


This list of tips to handle a team is surely not complete according to successful business leader Riadh Ben Aissa. Notwithstanding, utilizing only a couple tips at the ideal time and the opportune spot, will improve your critical thinking capacity altogether. Issue solvers are continually searching for numerous answers for issues and openings.

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Riadh Ben Aissa – Managing The Top Company With Better Strategy


It's nothing unexpected to business leaders that tackling issues is a colossal part of business achievement. Some business leaders blossom with overseeing issues, others don't. Yet, what makes a few leaders a great deal more effective at it than others? Is it the methods they embrace, the counselors they employ, or perhaps the staff they convey?

Truly it's a mix of every one of these elements, with a substantial accentuation on center. The capacity to zero in on issues for what they are - that's it, not much - simply gives that require even handed and reasonable reasoning and activity to be addressed just like what Riadh Ben Aissa does.

Trust your team 

"The issue is the interaction, not individuals" - 85% of administration, quality, and efficiency issues are straightforwardly identified with the plan and management of a business cycle. Issue solvers know this and hope to change the cycle prior to requesting that people change or improve.

Tune in to individuals who work for you, with you, and even against you. Effective issue solvers know there are numerous points of view to issues and issues. They try to tune in and comprehend them all and afterward take the best and leave the rest.

Doing the work with discipline

This standard is as valid for taking care of issues all things considered for making deals, for example "20% of your business endeavors produce 80% of your deals." The bustling business leader is continually asking "what's truly significant here, and where would it be a good idea for me to invest my energy to tackle this issue?"

Business leaders are acutely mindful of the force of sentiments and episodic data. They avoid such, and try to help each idea or proposal with the best quantitative information accessible. They realize that great choices depend on great data.


Business leaders like Riadh BenAissa revel in getting the best out individuals they work with. They realize that extraordinary thoughts can emerge out of the individuals who really play out your work just as sellers and confided in consultants.



Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Epigénétique : le génie du vivant

Chaque avancée de la recherche en génétique témoigne de la complexité et du caractère profondément unique et talentueux du corps humain, dans ses composantes les plus subtiles.

Il y a quelques décennies, la médecine engageait ses efforts dans le décryptage de l’ADN et dans la lecture du génome humain, dans le cadre de la prise en charge de certains virus d’envergure, de maladies auto-immunes ou de maladies génétiques rares dîtes orphelines.

L’approche qui a longtemps perduré, partait de l’hypothèse que l’ADN était une signature inimitable de chacun d’entre nous, dessinée de manière unique et remarquable,  transmise par l’antériorité des histoires familiales, récentes ou beaucoup plus lointaines, dans une sorte de déterminisme inévitable.

Tout pouvait donc être inscrit, défini, expliqué, compris, par une bande ADN que l’on a longtemps crue figée par les certitudes qui marquent toute démonstration scientifique…jusqu’à la preuve du contraire.

Ainsi avance la Science, la vraie, celle qui sait qu’il n’y jamais une vérité figée mais une réalité du moment, une démonstration actée et expliquée, une compréhension à un instant « T » du mystère de la Vie.

Dans les années 2000, M. Joël De Rosnay, porteur d’une curiosité scientifique reconnue et grand passionné de la nature humaine, a été l’un des premiers à évoquer l’importance de l’environnement de vie, de la nature, des croyances, des pensées, de l’alimentation, de l’entourage familial, sur notre génétique, laquelle, loin d’être figée, est une carte évolutive de ce que nous devenons, jour après jour…prèsde 20 ans plus tard, il publiera «  La symphonie du vivant », ouvrage de référence qui démontre avec simplicité et clarté comment l’épigénétique peut changer une vie.

Ce scientifique de talent rappelle alors l’importance de « manager son corps », d’étudier l’épigénome et sa régulation pour comprendre et contrecarrer le vieillissement physique et cérébral, et lutter contre le développement de certaines maladies dîtes incurables

Progressivement, les sciences biologiques se sont ouvertes à cette grande révolution génétique du XXIème siècle. En 2012, une chaire d’«épigénétique et mémoire cellulaire » a vu le jour au Collège de France, suivi du lancement du programme européen « Epigénome ».

Longtemps placés au centre de la théorie de l’hérédité qui a marqué la recherche biologique du XIXème siècle, les gènes ne sont plus ces données immuables transmises de générations à générations.

L’épigénétique nous enseigne qu’à l’état embryonnaire déjà, toute forme de vie humaine est porteuse d’informations trans-générationelles précises et complexes, tout en étant infiniment réceptive aux modifications environnementales, chimiques mais également physiologiques.  Cette nouvelle approche fait souffler un vent nouveau sur la recherche biologique et le déterminisme scientifique.

Une croyance peut devenir pour beaucoup d’entre nous une certitude. Jusqu’à l’âge de 7 ans environ, croyances et préjugés, sont ancrés dans notre cerveau...jusqu’à ce qu’un évènement, un choc, ou une simple prise de conscience transforment en profondeur nos patrimoine et mémoire cellulaires.

Les travaux récents menés dans le domaine de l’hypnose attestent de l’impact de cette approche sur la génétique des patients et sur le bouleversement, de leur vie comme de leur ADN.

Ainsi, modifier son inconscient, changer une habitude pourtant bien ancrée, apprendre au corps à se soumettre à un entrainement physique puis à y prendre plaisir, changer radicalement de mode d’alimentation sont autant de leviers d’évolution de l’ADN.

Le degré d’empathie du cadre familial d’un enfant, peut avoir un impact, des années plus tard, sur son système parasympathique.

rire et son shoot d’endorphine, les gestes d’affection et leur cortège d’ocytocine, la pratique régulière de la cohérence cardiaque, la méditation, tout ceci, et mille autres bouleversements infimes ou d’envergure définissent ce que nous sommes, bien au-delà de notre seule histoire personnelle, familiale ou collective.

Le lien entre le psychisme et la biologie est alors fait et l’on comprend que la perception de l’environnement par la moindre cellule, contrôle son comportement. Cette même perception va impacter les gênes jusqu’à les réécrivent.

L’épigénétique nous invite à la responsabilité de nos modes de vie, de nos comportements, de nos pensées. Elle nous appelle également à agir en conscience du potentiel humain infini dont nous sommes tous, mais de manière unique, porteurs.

Le nucléaire et l’art subtil de la diplomatie chinoise.

En mars dernier, l’Etat pakistanais offrait au monde entier la preuve de sa puissance nucléaire avec l’inauguration de la plus importante ce...